Tuesday, March 11, 2025

We yap... we yap... (the interlude)

     So, today we did the second group meeting (hooray), and we had some great discussions, especially about the CCR. Really, we just yapped a lot about ideas that we possibly have for our reflections.

    So, here is the squad from today, a great group of people with some great projects. We started out the discussion with sharing our progress on our projects. Everyone seemed to be moving along pretty well with the project.
    But, it seems like I might be the most ahead as we have basically finished editing (or at least putting all of the clips together and the sounds). Some of the other members were still filming their project, but all had at least half of it done. 
    One of our members even showed us what she had of her project that was edited and wow. i was truly blown away by how professional it looks. But, it's always those darn CBTV kids (non-derogatory) who have the best project. I guess I'm just jealous but whatever, I can be just as good. It's all in good fun...
    But the bulk of are conversation were around the CCR. This was a really great for me to discuss some of my ideas and then hear what other people are doing. Some really interesting (and somewhat odd) ideas were thrown out.
    One person in my group is looking to make one of their media products for the CCR a kind of stand up comedy bit. I thought that was a pretty unique and fun take for their portion of the project. Another one of the group members was going to do an interview style video that answers the "moat Googled questions" about themselves, inspired by the Wired Autocomplete Interview. 
    Listening to all of these peoples ideas really got me thinking about mine. With only a two weeks left in the project, I really got to decided on how I am going to present my CCR. And I do NOT want to be boring. There is not a single bone of boring in my body, so just expect great things.
    Next, I am going to be super locked in on the CCR, so be expecting some more posts about how that is going. Just to give an update on the project, you all will be pleased to know that we have moved on the the third phase of editing, the credits! Yes, all the sound design was put in and we finished that element, and now Max finally has his time to shine. I'll be sure to keep you all posted on his progress. 

And now for the movie quote of the day...

"I'll try to be a real grandma from now on." - Soonja, Minari (2020)


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CCR Cubed!

      If this project was the New York Marathon, this is the point where you see that 24 mile marker and quietly say to yourself, "You ...