I can't hear your guesses, because this is a blog post (yes I stole that from Wicked). Also, I have literally baited you ALL because nothing interesting is happening. Okay, maybe a little is going on. STATUS UPDATE TIME.
With there being about two weeks left in the project, we are seriously locking in. Or at least I am. As I said in an earlier post, my team and I have devised a system for how we are going to edit the project. Right now, we are still in the editing phase, that being of putting all the clips in order with the correct timing. But, I am glad to say that we are almost done with that phase! Yes, it's true, I have almost secured that aspect of the opening.
Now, Rachel has been compiling all of the sounds that we will use in the project and has been putting them in our Google Drive. When all of the sounds have been compiled, I will put all of them in. Such a fun task.
Also, Max has been yapping so much about how epic his title sequence will be. My expectations have been lifted like the wings of a bird, so I am expecting big things. I just hope that he will not be blinded by the epicness of the GTA intro and make the best decision for the entirety of the project.
There is something that I have learned from this project, and that is the importance of timing.
I did have a first edit of the project, and you know what... I hated it. Well, it was fine, but throughout there was something off. It felt so quick and disjointed, like there was no connection between each clip, that is was just a stagnant telling of events told in fragmented sequences.
I'll share an example.
This is the first edit. As you can see so clearly, the timing is just so... weird. Like, even Rachel told me that it felt fast and sort of unclear, which I totally see. At the time, I guess I did not know any better, but with this feedback, I think I made some good fixes. Here is the after.
I know that it could still be better, but I think it is a major improvement from the former edit. I think putting the dialogue over the insert of the clock makes everything come more together. Also, not cutting off the clips so early just makes it seem less forced in a way. Keep in mind that we have not put any audio in or any of the voice overs so it is still very incomplete.
But the point is, I have had some learning experiences with the editing experience. It may not be perfect, but it is good enough for now.
After putting in the sound, I am going to do a full review session with my teach to go over everything before Max starts putting the credits in. We are at the final leg, my friends. Am I saddened that it is almost over? Not really. But, it is sad that this is my final big project of high school, and I'm glad it is such a good one.
And now for the movie quote of the day...
"Charlotte Poughkeepsied in her pants." - Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City: The Movie (2008)
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