Friday, February 28, 2025
To Willem or not to Willem
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
We did it! Ah yes, I can hear the cheering from the crowd. Yes the rumors are true. We finished filming. Last Sunday we ripped that bandaid off of filming and got it done. But that's not really what I'm here to talk about today. I just wanted to tease you guys. But do not fret, you will all get the tea soon enough.
Here is what Maiya, our actress for Alice, wore for the shoot. When we were talking about what Alice would wear, we wanted her to look almost restricted by her clothes.
Dr. Schultz
T. Jacobs
Saturday, February 22, 2025
the voices... THE VOICES
Guys.... we emailed Willem Dafoe. The rumors are true. Willem Dafoe may be in the project. I even have proof.
I imagine that if our film was feature length, sound would be a vital part of the plot, so it makes sense that our introduction would be reflective of that. Since our film is about a time loop, it is important that throughout the film, and especially the opening that there are sound motifs. With that, we also want to ensure that non-diegetic music that we are using is reflective of that mysterious/eerie tone we are trying to evoke.
What Programs?
The Soundscape
We are filming tomorrow and I must say I am nervous. Right now I am praying to Steven Spielberg and E.T. that everything will go well. I mean we might have Willem Dafoe on the team. So it will definitely work out.
And now for the movie quote of the day...
"I have to believe in a world outside my own mind. I have to believe that my actions still have meaning, even if I can't remember them." - Leonard Shelby, Memento (2000)Friday, February 21, 2025
Many things have happened in the past 24 hours. Okay, well maybe not that many things but a couple of big things have happened. Was that evil of me? Who is to say.
When we were righting the script (as pictured above) we did find that we had some (a lot) of disagreements, but compromise was definitely the key. In the end, I thin kwe came up with a great script that will work as an effective introduction for this film
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Oh The Places You'll Go...
To be completely frank, I did struggle with finding a location to shoot this. The majority of the opening takes place in a therapist's office. Now, I'm not sure how other people live, but I do not have a readily available therapist's office on standby. So, as any resourceful filmmaker, I have to flesh out the options.
I don't know why, but my initial thought was just to rent an office for $30 an hour, but several people talked me off that ledge. And I am glad they did. It was definitely not the best option for a few reasons. One, we would realistically be filming there for 2-3 hours, which would add up to about $90. I personally do not have that kind of cash. Also, renting would sort of limit us if we needed to do any kind of reshoots. Because of that, I hopped off that idea.
Above is the corner of my house that will henceforth be known as a therapist's office. I will also be converting the wall opposite the one pictured into the other half of the office. What I am planning to do is entirely gut the room and replace the living room elements with office elements. I will be keeping the couch because that was the one thing that needed to be in the office, because it is really therapy if there is no couch.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Who are you? (getting existential real quick)
One of the main things I am working to develop in my film opening is character. How does one do that you may be asking? Well, the first thing we are going to need a character. So let's talk about it.
Meet Alice

Saturday, February 15, 2025
The Story has been Boarded
Now, with our idea pretty much fully solidified, we have gotten the planning process running full speed. We started out our planning by creating a storyboard for the opening of our film. For right now, we really just wanted to get a general overview of what the progression is going to be throughout the opening.
The Storyboard
I'm not sure if this is entirely correct, but for a novice it is not too shabby. Also, you get a little sneak peak at our working title... Anyhow, I think my team and I are making some good progress, and by the time we are filming everything should hopefully be into place. I hope that soon I can provide some updates on the locations we will be shooting in (which is proving to be slightly difficult).
Friday, February 14, 2025
The FULL Plot
The Opening Scene
Thursday, February 13, 2025
It's just a Theory... A Media Theory
Todorov's Narrative Theory of Equilibrium
Monday, February 10, 2025
The Group Meeting...
Today was such a lovely day because we got to do our first GROUP MEETING. In the group meetings, we meet with our classmates to discuss each of our projects and give each other ideas and critiques. The purpose is just for the betterment of the entire class, allowing students to get ideas from other and give out their own constructive criticism.
The Team
What is the Verdict?
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Oh no... It's a Time Loop
It's the time you have all been waiting for. The big reveal. The curtain over the whiteboard of my idea is about to be pulled off for the entire world to see. Get yourselves ready, because it is wild.
Two words: TIME LOOP
The "Science"
Now, this one has overall less application and research backing it up, but it is a theory out there that I think would work best for my purposes. The idea of two major events in the protagonists life setting of a major scientific event sounds like an extremely compelling story that has a lot of room for character development.
In Television and Film
What i enjoy about the time loop elements in this movie, which is sometimes a common occurrence in the these kind of films is that the main protagonist has one person they are always trying to find.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
It's All About the Credits
In any film opening, there is something that is usually consistent throughout, and that is that we must credit the cast and the crew (which is arguably the most important part of any production).
But before we get into looking at some example opening credit sequences, I would just like share that my idea has been solidified (I can hear the cheers from the audience). I think I could explain it better in a later blog post, but what I will say is that we are definitely leaning more into the science fiction elements, but wanting to keep that strong character development with the dramatic elements. So as we go through, there will be predominantly more science fiction film openings, but I will try to incorporate some on the more dramatic side.
Back to the Future (1985)
Something about this credit sequence is how well it balances the inclusion of the important information without squandering how plot elements are being developed through the mise-en-scene. If you have rewatched this film as many times as I have (you haven't), then you will obviously pick up on just how many details lie within this opening scene. Because of the scene's intricacies, the credits have to be simplistic and not something that will take away from the elements of the environment.
Gattaca (1997)
It (2017)
This is generally one of my favorite opening scenes of all time (I included the whole thing just to bring me joy). The part where the credits are rolling is supposed to be illustrating a dull life for the boys. Bill, the older one, is sick and Georgie, the younger one, just wants to go play in the rain. The whole scene is has a dull coloring, representing the boys' worldview at the moment. The way the credits are presented reflect the sort of calm and dull life before the storm, that being Georgie going missing.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
The Genre of Choice...
Arrival (2016)
The Prestige (2006)
Signs (2002)
CCR Cubed!
If this project was the New York Marathon, this is the point where you see that 24 mile marker and quietly say to yourself, "You ...
One of the main things I am working to develop in my film opening is character. How does one do that you may be asking? Well, the firs...
I would consider myself to be somewhat of a religious horror fanatic, especially around the time of Halloween. Religious horror is...
Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! The first project of the class was a Camera Shots/Angles Quiz. For this assignment, we were task...