Thursday, February 20, 2025

Oh The Places You'll Go...

    Now that we have been ever inching closer to the momentous occasion of filming this opening sequence, I have established where we will film

    To be completely frank, I did struggle with finding a location to shoot this. The majority of the opening takes place in a therapist's office. Now, I'm not sure how other people live, but I do not have a readily available therapist's office on standby. So, as any resourceful filmmaker, I have to flesh out the options. 
    I don't know why, but my initial thought was just to rent an office for $30 an hour, but several people talked me off that ledge. And I am glad they did. It was definitely not the best option for a few reasons. One, we would realistically be filming there for 2-3 hours, which would add up to about $90. I personally do not have that kind of cash. Also, renting would sort of limit us if we needed to do any kind of reshoots. Because of that, I hopped off that idea. 
    My next idea was to go to an office building of either my parents or any of my teams' parents. An office building would have been good to give us the look of a sort of liminal space and have a kind of authentic field. While this seemed slightly solid, there were also a few issues with this plan. The only office building that we could have access to on the days where we were going to film was my dads, and that one is deep into downtown Miami. It would have been terribly inconvenient to have to drive such a distance and deal with the trafic that comes out of that area. Another con is that it would be really hard to bring any props or set pieces to make the therapist's office come to life. So, we hopped of that idea. 
    Therefore, the location we settled on was to do it at my house. At first, I was not entirely keen on this idea because I don't have an office room in my house to convert to a therapist's office. But then, with some convincing from my teammates and even my own mother, we decided to turn a corner of my house into a therapist office. 

    Above is the corner of my house that will henceforth be known as a therapist's office. I will also be converting the wall opposite the one pictured into the other half of the office. What I am planning to do is  entirely gut the room and replace the living room elements with office elements. I will be keeping the couch because that was the one thing that needed to be in the office, because it is really therapy if there is no couch. 
    Somethings that I will need to be hyper aware of when filming is to make sure that the blinds are securely closed so that it does not look out into the the backyard and to ensure than some of the shots include anything that has not been morphed into therapist mode. These things have the pontenial to make the facade of the this office fall completely apart, so I want to make it look at polished as possible. With some creative angles and a lot of tighter shots, I think there should be no problem making this location work. 

    As for the other locations, the scouting is fairly simple. For any scenes that take place outside of the office, we will be going to a medical plaza that is about 5 minutes from my home. It just has a bunch randmom medical offices, but we do not really need those. It's mostly just for the parking lot. This has pretty much always been the plan from the start for those outside scenes. 
    We also have a really short few shots at the end of the opening that entainly our main character going into a bathroom. For these shots we will most likely just use the bathroom in my house, but make the shots so that it doesn't show the showed because obviosuly bathrooms in medical offices do not have showers in them. 

    This has been one of the most stressful parts of the project for me so far, because I feel like it has to be perfect. But honestly, as long as I can sell it with the shots and angles, these locations should make for a good background for the story we are trying to tell. At least I hope it will. 

And now for the movie quote of the day... (but it's from a TV show)

"Dream of sheep ranches on the moon." - Joel Miller, The Last of Us (2023) 

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CCR Cubed!

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