Tuesday, February 25, 2025


     We did it! Ah yes, I can hear the cheering from the crowd. Yes the rumors are true. We finished filming. Last Sunday we ripped that bandaid off of filming and got it done. But that's not really what I'm here to talk about today. I just wanted to tease you guys. But do not fret, you will all get the tea soon enough. 

    But for today, we are going to talk about one of my favorite parts of the planning process: THE COSTUMES.


   In a previous blog post, I did talk about what alice was going to wear, but I thought I would just share how that came to fruition.

    Here is what Maiya, our actress for Alice, wore for the shoot. When we were talking about what Alice would wear, we wanted her to look almost restricted by her clothes. 
    One of the big characteristics of Alice is that she feels trapped and stifled in every way. Yes, she feel trapped by her relationship with her mother, by her therapy sessions and eventually she will be trapped in a time loop, but we wanted to strengthen that resolve even more.
    With that in mind, we made the decision for her to wear big, baggy clothing that sort of swallows her up, bringing that trapped feeling into something so personal as clothing. 

Dr. Schultz

    This is a character I really have not talked about in my blog posts because I really wanted to focus more on Alice, but I shall introduce her now. 
    Dr. Schultz is the epitome of the therapist that is just in it for the money. Yes, she will listen to people yap about all their problems and ask them how they feel about it a bajillion times, but will never really get beyond the surface of that and never reaches the source. She works at her convenience for her convenience and only tries when she feels like she might loose money. 
    To incorporate all of these personality traits into our character's clothing choices, we wanted to give her a classic coastal grandma doctor vibe. I know that was a lot of adjectives but trust me on this. 

    On the right are some inspiration pictures that encapsulate Dr. Schultz's style. I don't really know why, but in my mind coastal grandma/granddaughter is the most selfish style that is also putting on a façade of kindness. Actually, I rescind that statement. I know exactly why. Because this is exactly what all the rich, old money people wear and I feel like Dr. Schultz gives off that exact vibe. She most definitely comes from old money but only does this therapist job as a way to look good for her parents. 
    I feel like Willem Dafoe (who never responded to our email) when he was in that one clip describing how he comes up with the backstory for his character (if you have never seen that here is is). 

T. Jacobs

    Now for all you OGs, you will all know the lore for T. Jacobs, AKA Texas Jacobs. This is of course a reference to ur music video project where the lead singer of our band, Tainted Roots, was named Texas Jacobs. I would like to add that this film will be apart of the TRCU (Tainted Roots Cinematic Universe), in which Texas Jacobs turns from Bluegrass superstar to actor extraordinaire. The lore may be too much for your minds to comprehend. 
    But, I digress, T. Jacobs is the extremely nonchalant assistant to Dr. Schultz. He does not have a massive role within the film, but he is instrumental in the demonstration of the time loop. He is one of those constants that will appear in each loop, even if it is for a short time.

    I am not even playing around when I say that this was our main inspiration for T. Jacobs' costume. We wanted him to be the ultimate "chill guy", so why not take inspiration from the original "chill guy".
    The sweater and jeans combination was exactly what we needed from T. Jacobs to portray his position in this therapist's office. He was not so important that he needed to be dressed up in any way, but he is instrumental enough that he has to wear presentable clothing. This also ads to the overall dynamic of the office, as Dr. Schultz does not really care at all what T. Jacobs does as long as he does not get in her way. 
    Anyway, literally no one else will know that this is a reference to our music video unless they read the script (or this blog) but it was really just a fun easter egg for us. 

    Picking the costumes has genuinely been one of my favorite parts because it really allows us to dive deep into the characters and come up with their motivation for what they chose to wear in the morning. This really allows me as the director of the project to choose the best way to present them on screen and it allows the actors to get it in their heads what their character motivations are. 

And now for the movie quote of the day...

"Put some Windex on it!" - Gus Portokalos, My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)

Images via Pinterest users The Mom Edit and aleah

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