Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Prom

     As a part of the classic high school experience, I of course want to go to prom. It is essentially a right of passage. The first step: get tickets. Great. Easy. One would think it would be simple, but alas no. 
    Right now, as I am typing this, I had stayed up until midnight so that I could guaranteed to get a ticket. As the the clock strikes 12:01 AM, I reload the online payment website and I expect to see that tab where I can willingly spend way too much money, but it is not there. Five minutes go by, still nothing there. I start contacting my friends asking where it is. No response. Right, because no one is idealistic enough to stay up until midnight to buy the tickets. Maybe they are just running late, I think to myself. That's when I get a text from my friend. She tells me they most definitely fell asleep and forgot.
    Now, to me this makes no sense. I do not think that is how the online store works, but maybe it is. Once again, the representatives of the class of 2025 have caused havoc with the online store. 
    I wonder if the folks in jolly old England have such problems. (sorry if I am making no sense, it is past midnight and I am angry) 

    Anyway, in my rage fueled spurt of energy, I am going to yap about the project because I have nothing better to do.
    As you all know, filming has wrapped. That being said, I have been going through some of the footage and I've noticed some things, and by that I mean one recurring thing. The audio. 
    Most of the clips sound great, grade A quality. But, because of my house and its lovely AC unit, in some scenes you can hear it in the background. Now, that might not be a bad noise to hear in a therapist's office, but it is super inconsistent and loud, making it very distracting. 
    Luckily, this only happened in a few shots, but here is an example. 

    Also, this is raw footage, so do not judge her just yet. But what I wanted to get across by sharing this is that the audio is kind of cooked. Rewatching it just now, it is not as bad as I recall, but if you turn up the volume you can definitely hear it. 
    I have been messing around with this clip in Premiere Pro, and I did mess around with some of the audio and got it to a place where it does sound a lot better, but the voice itself is kind of low. If I cannot get it to a point where I am satisfied with the product, them I might have my actors do a little bit of ADR for the shots where the audio is a bit funky. Luckily it did not happen to many of the clips or any dialogue heavy ones. 
    If I could go back and redo the roots, I would have made sure that the AC would not turn on as we were filming. I think I did know that it would cause interference before we started filming, but in the moment I was not locked in on that at all and really just wanted to get the filming done as quickly as possible (is that back of me to say, maybe).

    Alas, I cannot go back and time and I am not in a time loop, but now I know to be more vigilant about the audio quality. I feel like sometimes one can forget the importance of sound when you are so used to hearing it everyday, but this goes to show that you must take notice of EVERYTHING. Whoa, alright Grace, calm dowm. Getting a little too philosophical over here. 

   WAIT. Something that I want to talk about that quite literally has nothing to do with the project is the Academy Awards! I don't think anyone really cares, but I will be putting my predictions here, because the world needs to know who the correct winners are, not the phonies that the academy picks (except if they are my picks). For Best Actor, it should go to TimotheĆ© Chalamet, but it is probably going to Adrien Brody. For Best Actress, it should either go to Demi Moore or Mikey Madison and I would be fine with either as voth of their performances were incredible. For Best Supporting Actress, I know it will go to Zoe SaldaƱa, but it should go to literally anyone else, and no I will take no criticism on that. And Best Supporting Actor will and should go to Mr. Kieran Culkin, as he was phenomenal in A Real Pain
    I would just like to thank the Academy for listen to me rant.

And now for the movie quote of the day... (oscar's edition)

"Although we sisters are supposed to be invisible, God has nevertheless given us eyes and ears." - Sister Agnes, Conclave (2024)

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CCR Cubed!

      If this project was the New York Marathon, this is the point where you see that 24 mile marker and quietly say to yourself, "You ...