SPAWN OF SATAN! That's what premiere is. It hate me and my guts forever. I try to love it and tend for it but it just wants me to crawl into a hole and die. It reached through my screen and bashes my head into it over and over again (wow, that was a lot of personification).
Okay, it's not that bad. But I think sitting in front of my computer for hours on end has given me some major headaches. This is not a new thing though. My gaming days have much prepared me for this venture.
But, while on the subject, let's talk about my love/hate relationship with Premiere Pro.
I have had a pretty familiar relationship with Premiere. I first learned how to use it last year when I joined my school's television program. As a beginner television student, we are actually required to get certified in the program, so I would say I am pretty well versed with it. Just to add some icing on the cake, I am also certified in Photoshop (I am an Adobe Certified Professional btw).
So, I am comfortable operating the program. But, I have never said that I am calm when I am operating it. Even before this project, I have had several crashouts over this godforsaken program. Even though I have used it for two years now, I still have never had an experience free of bumps in the road. There is always at least one issue, and with a project of this size, that number has multiplied exponentially.
For one, there is this one transition between two clips that I cannot seem to get right at all. Just as a preface, here are the two clips.
For some reason, when we were filming the first scene, my team and I thought, "Guys, let's do a whip pan right here," and then we did it and then did not complete the whip pan on the next shot. And the whip pan does not even look that good and I'm not sure the shot as a whole looks good.
Alas, I will persevere with my amazing editing skills. The first thing I tried to tackle was the stupid whip pan. I have two options. I could either take it out, or try to make it blend with the other clip.
At first, I tried the former option. When I took out the whip pan and then put the clock clip after, it made quite literally no sense. This was the start of my crashout session. Without the whip pan, you cannot tell why they are looking at the alarm clock. Maybe if I mess around with it a bit more I could tet the timing a little better, but for right now I gave up on that.
Then, I took the latter option. Based on a godsend youtube video (here), I used the effect that was described and I applied it to the clips. Now, it does not look terrible, but it is definitely cheesy. I kept it there for now, but I don't think my soul will let me keep it.
I am just going to leave it there until I finish the rest of the edit, and then I'll come back to it. But, the rest is going pretty well. Next blog post, I will not complain and I'll talk about what it going well with the edit. Trust, not everything about Premiere is bad.
And now for the movie quote of the day...
"'You look tired' means 'you look old.' And 'you look rested' means 'you've had collagen.'" - Albert Goldman, The Birdcage (1996)
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