Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Music Video BTS
Monday, December 9, 2024
Music Marketing (Research and Planning)
As we head into midterms, we have been assigned a Music Marketing Project to count for half of our grade.
To start off the project, we chose a group and were assigned a genre. Our genre, much to our chagrin at the time, is bluegrass. At the start of the project, I knew little to nothing about bluegrass, only that is was sort of like country but a little spicier.
The first order of business was research. Each person in my group researched a different bluegrass artist and got well verse in their brand and their marketing strategies. The group I researched was this band called The Punch Brothers. As I researched this band, I learned a lot about bluegrass as a genre and how it shifted from something of the past to a new, more modern sound that is more reflective of the desires of contemporary audiences.
With our schedule we planned out enough time to do some pre-production on the music video - such as choosing what kind of video we want (vibes), making a storyboard, choosing a location, and ironing out all the logistics - and how we divide up working on all the marketing elements.
As of right now, we are doing very well with our schedule and are even a bit ahead of schedule. We have come up with a complete background for the band and its members, created the first draft of a logo, created a plan for the main marketing strategies we are using and even already filmed the music video.
This week, we will be focused on editing the music video (which I feel is the most daunting task) and creating all of the marketing elements - the website, instagram, merchandise, and miscellaneous posters and advertising.
As a little sneak peak, here is one of the promotional pictures we will be using in our marketing:
CCR Cubed!
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