Friday, August 30, 2024

Camera Shots and Angles Quiz

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!

The first project of the class was a Camera Shots/Angles Quiz. For this assignment, we were tasked with using 15 images to create a story with inanimate objects that utilized the camera shots and angles we had learned in the prior class. 

My first thoughts going into the project is that I wanted to make it a love story. Truly, there was no other option in my head. My partner and I talked the idea over, and we decided on making a love story between our water bottles. Not just any love story, but one filled with sorrow and tragedy. 

The story we came up with starred two of our water bottles, a green and a blue one, that are star-crossed lovers who meet on a fateful day during class. Through this story, we thought we could convey emotion through the space we create between the water bottles and we tried are beat to display that. 

Our use of space was one of my favorite things about our project.  For instance, when the water bottles are on the ground, we used the change in space to depict the bottles getting closer and their love growing stronger. Then, throughout the subsequent shots of the bottles being picked up, we show the space between them getting larger and larger. 

I do think that some of our shots could have been a little effective within our story. It could be argued that some of our shots may have been slightly redundant, but in time I will get better about making sure that all my shots have a defining purpose. Also, for the shots we used the high and low angles, there might have been a better way to utilize those techniques to show when the water bottles feel vulnerable in their relationship versus strong. 

Overall, this was a great first project to ease us into the course. It allowed me to share some of my creativity while applying the concepts we are learning in class. 

Link to project:

Monday, August 26, 2024

My First Blog Post

 Hello! My name is Grace and I am starting a blog. 

I created this blog to document my making of a final project for AICE Media Studies, but also to see my growth as a content creator. I hope this will be as insightful as I intend it to be.

CCR Cubed!

      If this project was the New York Marathon, this is the point where you see that 24 mile marker and quietly say to yourself, "You ...